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Cynthia's Story

Behind Every Door is a series of success stories featuring those who have been served by the Virginia Beach CDC and the regional outreach of Second Act Communities. Since 1985, the Virginia Beach CDC has served over 8,000 individuals who we refer to as our "neighbors." Cynthia Franklin is one of those neighbors.

In August of 2014 my two daughters and I moved to Virginia Beach in search of a new life. Through Connection Point I found the Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation and Tanisha Davis, Leader of Family and Community Support Services.

I will never forget the empowerment I found learning to budget my income and expenses. Before long, my family qualified for permanent housing!

My older daughter, Tasia works side-by-side with me to care for her sister, my younger daughter, T-Anna, who has cerebral palsy. When we found out about summer programs at the Virginia Beach Museum of Contemporary Art, through Erica Nashan Community Healing Arts Initiative Consultant at VBCDC, I told T-Anna who immediately wanted to apply. T-Anna was awarded the Cohen Family Memorial Fund 2015 Art Camp Scholarship, and is the first child with special needs who has ever participated in the museum summer camps.

When I think about how I got through the tough times I know God gave me the strength to do what I had to do. My faith and Tanisha's guidance kept me on track, making progress with my daughters.

~Cynthia Franklin, Virginia Beach CDC Neighbor

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Phone 757.463.9516 / Fax 757.463.1382 / / 2400 Potters Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 / © 2017 Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. We do not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

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