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Family First

Devoted single mother, Claudia Campbell came to Virginia Beach Communtiy Development Corporation fully motivated to push herself to the next level and support her family. Today, she joins us to talk about her journey with the Transitional Housing Program and the Permanent Housing Program

My name is Claudia Campbell. I am a mother of five beautiful girls and a Grandmother to a robust and happy grandson. My family and I resided in the city of Petersburg, Virginia. I was a full time employee with Securias, I was financially stable and had my own home.

At that time, my daughter expressed interest in attending the Art Institute which was located in the Hampton Roads area. I didn’t want the family to be separated so I asked for a transfer to Securias Norfolk location. I wanted to support my daughter’s dreams and I was ensured that I would maintain full-time employment.

However, when I transferred, I was only given part-time hours. Due to the decrease in income, I could not afford to pay the majority of my rent. Eventually, my family and I were evicted from Emerald Point apartments. We moved from hotel to hotel and I at that point did not know what to do.

My daughter’s school was aware of my family’s situation and encouraged me to contact Connection Point. That is when I was referred to the Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation (VBCDC). We slept in our car for 3 nights until VBCDC provided us shelter. We remained in the shelter until we were placed in our Transitional Housing placement unit. While I was in the program, I received case management as well as encouragement. Prior to becoming a client, the agency helped me gain employment and after I was able to find another job working at Portfolio Recovery Associates.

This made me eligible for VBCDC’s Permanent Housing program. I was approved and VBCDC paid for my first month’s rent and security deposit. It may seem strange to some but, becoming homeless impacted me for the better. It taught me that I could make it on my own as a single mother. I am more thankful of things God has given me to be a steward over. And, my family is closer than ever through our trials and tribulations.

Image used is a "likeness" of the neighbor

It pushed me to the next level. So what is my life like now you wonder? Well, I have two high school graduates. I bought a brand new car. My daughter, Marquia obtained better employment and my other daughter Myia is a student at Regent University. The best of them all, I’m PERMANENTLY housed!

Life is less stressed, and I am more blessed!

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Phone 757.463.9516 / Fax 757.463.1382 / / 2400 Potters Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 / © 2017 Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. We do not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

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